Wednesday, 28 September 2011


  I am the kind of person who likes staying at home. I do not mean that I hate going outside and hanging out with my friends. But if someone calls me to go out with him or her in the morning, the answer will be "no". Being indolence sometimes gets me into serious troubles like being late to class, but I don't really mind that. I mean, who doesn't like sleeping? I prefer the sedentary because I can store potential energy by doing nothing or sleeping. Therefore, when I am doing the physical I can actually have more energy than other people. There is another reason why I prefer the sedentary -- it's because I can surf the internet! It's a lot of fun when I can just sit there in front of my computer and know what is happening around the world.
  Maybe you disagree with what i just wrote, but I believe that being a little lazy is not that bad.